“Empathy is the new currency of loyalty” Jan Wegelin, 2020.

Discover real people, in real contexts, affected by changing realities

If you are what people want and need, and you are there when they want or need you, they pull you into their world. With Tx5® this is finally achievable. Thanks to this revolutionary tool, you can predict how people will behave, and you no longer have to push and hope they take the bait.

One solution, one language, one strategy to streamline all relationships, because the common denominator is the person, not the brand, product or service.

The Tx5® digital tool is an industry-relevant, modular solution that takes less than ten minutes to complete.

Specific ad-hoc questions to address strategic needs or market dynamics are optional additions to complement the behavioural measures. These deliver unique insights to immediately translate into an organisational strategy. We work with you to identify these. Tx5® is an asset in the strategic toolbox of any organisation.

We advise on data integration solutions but acknowledge that the security considerations and POPIA restrictions may prevent access. Therefore, we bring Tx5® to you as a unique complementary addition to your internal databank of customer information to filter into existing business performance analysis matrices.

Our Recommended Implementation Approach

Our approach is a no-risk option for your organisation. We recommend a pilot phase to review the impact and workability within the organisation environment and structure. The pilot phase will also help you understand the possible connection points with people. Once these are internalised in the organisation, we scale the solution to all touchpoints.

We can advise on data integration solutions but acknowledge that security considerations and personal information privacy restrictions may prevent us from having access to your internal data. Therefore, we bring Tx5® to you as a unique complementary addition to your internal databank of people information to filter into existing organisation performance analysis matrices.